Monday, November 17, 2008

As many of you know the holiday season is approaching quickly. I urge all of you to make conscious eco friendly choices for Christmas. There are many posted on this blog. The Cool Moms Pick is listed and many other websites for earthy organic products. Please mindfully spend your money. Everyone loves a great book and they last forever.

I have included that 60 minutes special on e-waste--please watch and do what you can to reduce.

Also this is a great article on fingernail diagnosis!! I am going to live until 140!! And look great!!

I am very outspoken on what and why so many of us and our loved ones are faced with health scares. Like many if we remove the toxins out of our personal care items, water and food, heart disease, cancer and diabetes would disappear virtually overnight.
Great articles and a healing center located in Wheaton, IL

As far as personal care products--that has always been a big deal. our skin is the largest organ of the body and EVERYTHING that you put on your skin reaches every organ within 22 seconds...if you can not eat it-do not put it on your skin.

I have been speaking very highly of a wonderful organic, mindful company called miessence. Please visit:
for all of the information--all herbs, flowers and oils are produced from sustainable farming and internationally have the highest accreditation.

In great health!!


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